

Loved one,

I once believed that I was always reminding myself of memories that I’m not sure I actually lived.
Because it took me a while to get here, I now want to stay and never go because if I do, I will never completely live.
Since I dislike talking too much these days, I’ll keep it brief.
Remember that you are loved more than you can possibly imagine.
I appreciate you turning me into a true boy.
I now possess a heart.

Doua beri is dead.



Never-ending agonies of the past

Almost fulfilling a child’s hopes,

Regardless of the passing clouds,

I wish the agony was deeper.

We forgot about May and skipped June as well.

I’m short on words, and you’re drowning in plume



“I’d love to touch the sky tonight, I’d love to touch the sky..”

And as you probably do right about now, take a few drinks… But I’m afraid of what I might imagine.

I’ve just finished lowering the Earth while listening out for that specific noise.I’m worn out from recent thoughts, yet I can’t push them away just yet.Everything is so yellow that it makes me feel ill in an odd manner.

At best, I’m unhappy.

Everything I could be or accomplish without you, I don’t want to do.I am an old soul, a sick romantic, and never-ending.I enjoy the ancient approach of having someone nearby solely for the purpose of happiness.That’s what I have: genuine love.Nothing else.

Found this old gem.

Imaginary conversations.



And today I miss it more than ever and I can’t fight it.

Love letter 19

Found on the internet

February 14, 1943

Dear Henry,

I received your welcome letter so thought I would drop you a few lines tonight. I am feeling better now and back to work. Arnie was here for a couple of days while I was sick but haven’t seen him since. I was sick most of the time since you went back till this last weekend.

Yes we are still having winter weather. It is real cold here tonight. Dread the morning going to work. No, hon, I hadn’t broken my pencil but you probably have got my other letter by now & know why. Gee, hon, I would like you to come home on another furlough. You know that dear. Gee it sure was lonesome when you left. I even hated to go up stairs to bed that night dear. So you see I did miss you sweet.

Do you like training the men as well as your other job?

You say you don’t gamble very often but when you do you sure win something don’t you? I would like to be able to have a drink with you hon. I don’t seem to enjoy drinking with anyone else but you dear. I’d like one of those whisky sours right now with you. Hope you won’t get the measles and you will be all right.

Have been to the movies a couple of times this week. Once with Earl & once alone. Jane wanted me to go one night but I stayed in. I haven’t had the car out anywhere. I sure would like to drive down there but don’t think I would get very far on the gas rationing. Take a lot of nerve for me to drive down there alone. I would be glad to have you slap my bottom if you were near enough but guess you would have quite a job doing it so far away wouldn’t you? Ha Ha.

Do you think hon you still want to get a tire? There was a piece in the paper here awhile ago where they were going to take all spare tires. So maybe you had better wait awhile & see what they are going to do. It may not be anything to it. But what ever you say. Have you got the papers lately, Henry?

Well, hon, guess I had better be signing off for now and will write again later. Hoping I hear from you real soon dear.

Lots of love,



